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Healthy Food

Healthy Food


Ensure that you're burning calories even as you eat by including these foods in...

Here's what to choose from the big feast that is around the corner

These foods are filling and ensure that you stay healthy and don't reach out...

Loaded with micronutrients and vitamins, low calorie mustard greens have a sharp peppery taste

Besides adding a distinct flavour, this must-have ingredient in every Indian kitchen has several...

Legumes are great, but sprouts are even better

When it comes to greens, fenugreek doesn't get enough merit for all its goodness

A balanced diet that maintains low uric acid levels is crucial to prevent a...

Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, gooseberry and other foods help beat arthritis

Lower levels of magnesium, carbon, chromium and other minerals induce a sugar craving that...